get involved |
We need your help. We cannot do this alone. There are numerous times that we all think back about India and wish someone would take the initiative to do something for our country, to better the conditions that exist there. That someone can be you! This is your opportunity to do so.
It does not matter whether you left India just recently or a long time ago - you are still tied to India , no matter what! It does not matter that India is booming in economic terms, there is still plenty of poverty, malnourishment and sickness in the rural areas.
Many Indians here have expressed their wishes to do something to make a difference back home but do not know how to do it. Many give to their favorite charities, relief funds, and ashrams in India but do not know or cannot see how their dollars are helping save lives or feeding the poor
This project is an answer - you will be able to see your dollars at work, track a child's progress, and see the difference you have made!
Please help this noble and worthy cause. Your help is important and means a lot to the sick children not only in India but also in whole subcontinent.
1. Volunteer - If you would like to make a
difference by being a VOLUNTEER, please contact us.
2. Join our Social Networks - We want to connect with you. You'll get the latest
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3. Spread the word - In this information
age, there are a number of ways for its supporters to stay connected with AAICT.
Without leaving the comfort of your home, use your social network to spread the
word about AAICT's work. Take the opportunity to raise awareness and share with
others about how AAICT is bringing hope.
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Our monthly newsletter is emailed to friends and families of AAICT every month. It’s full of event news and happenings, our upcoming schedule of activities, helpful articles and tips, and a feature spotlight. If you would like to be added to our mailing list, sign up below.
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